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Rocchetta a Volturno


Between history and ghost towns

It may be small, but Rocchetta a Volturno is full of delightful surprises. Near the border with Lazio, this small village in the province of Isernia boasts ancient traditions that are still very much alive. These include the Gl’ Cierv, the Rite of the Deer Man, which is held every year on the last Sunday of Carnival to celebrate the return of spring.

To discover the history and culture of Rocchetta, we recommend the Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno and its archaeological site. Not forgetting the fresco cycles of the Cripta di Epifanio crypt and the Rock Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grotte. Try visiting the International War Museum of the World Wars, which narrates the events of these conflicts, before enjoying the local offal, fiadone cheesecake, and mouth-watering cacaruozze biscuits.

Don’t miss the chance to stroll through the alleyways of Rocchetta Alta, the ancient heart of the village. Abandoned due to the high hydrogeological risk in the area, the atmosphere in this ghost town is indescribable.

Rocchetta a Volturno

86070 Rocchetta Alta IS, Italia


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